I dreamed

by Vanessa   Apr 3, 2020

Lately my heart bleeds just a little bit more.with every beat.Don't know what's got into me. Over the years I've prayed a lot about the way I wanted my life to be. Always wondering if my biggest dreams would ever turn into reality I wasted a moment wasted a tear. Wasted a whole damn year. This is not where I was Suppose to be. Can anyone here? Can anyone there? Help me to climb Outside of me. Just to fly to glory without all this worry it would feel so damn good to be free. I long to rid myself of every shackle and every chain so at long last my spirit will be unchained eventually. Heaven bound I got turned around though storms and the clouds there is that I can't even see. I can feel myself slowly just dying on the inside of me. With my oldest daughter now we are forming a bond and I pray that it continues to grow strong. (It almost feels
Lizzy is home.) Home where I always needed her to belong. Our tie's becoming one that's meant to bind. My daughters and my grand kids I can not leave behind my mother My husband and all my brothers and sisters on my mind. these images of all Cousins and my granny all of my aunts and l of my uncles it's the greatest of all the treasures I could ever find. my family means the world to me. Time I can not rewind my family one of a kind.


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  • 4 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This has got such desperate emotion throughout that it's hard not to be drawn in by it. I love your use of constant rhyme within lines as well. (See what I did there?).
    Take care and stay well,
