Comments : napowrimo 15 - Fragmented

  • 4 years ago

    by Star

    "I heard voices
    in your silence"
    I am not joking I have wrote a similar line couple of days ago and i abandoned it!
    But my train of thoughts was so different. This is sooo good. The yellow part and then couple lines later losing sight. The way you expressed how it became dark and you being lost in it, without saying it is very smart!!

    • 4 years ago

      by Sunshine

      Adopt your line again. I'm sure it's gonna hunt you back until you use it somewhere. Lines that I abandon always come back. and thank you sweetest star!

  • 4 years ago

    by prasanna

    "I lost my sight
    the meadows, the grass
    it all faded away
    and you just never found me
    you never found me
    not a single one of me."

    I love how bittersweet this is. I love how it calls back to your other poem meadows. I'm so glad I was able to nominate this. :)

    • 4 years ago

      by Sunshine

      You are right, in fact, 95% if not all of the NaPoWriMo poems are connected to each other in a way or another, at least regarding the source of inspiration or what is driving me to write. Thank you Mark, you're awesome.