
About prasanna

Profile of prasanna

  • Age : 99
  • Gender : Unspecified
  • Country : Other
  • Joined : Oct 31, 2018
  • Last Visit : 3 weeks ago
  • Poems : 273
  • Comments : 399
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 150
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By prasanna

  • you—an almost ache, almost wound, almost lover,
    almost return to self, almost summer, almost a...

  • like a gentle breeze warmed by the sun,
    you pour over me in a steady stream, constantly...

  • consider the litany of beauty—
    tonight, there is you, nestled in the fists of...

  • Happenstance—the way you turn the corner at full...
    bumping into me, spilling an armful of books that...

  • “…and the wound was a place of shelter for...
    You sincerely ask. You speak the grief I’ve been...

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