Comments : Growing Old, In the arms of Nature

  • 4 years ago

    by Liz

    I always love your nature poems. This one feels refreshing to read. <3

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Enchanting! You are one with nature and it is part of your soul. Love this and you! <3

  • 4 years ago

    by Brenda

    love, love, love this my friend-I always feel that kindred spirit in your writes-

  • 3 years ago

    by Gracy Judith

    I love nature poems and this one is a brilliant write. Congratulations on the win!

  • 3 years ago

    by Star

    I reallyyy love the two ending lines!!!
    I’m so happy to see this on the front page ^_^

  • 3 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Nice to see a nature poem weaved with human feelings and emotions. Liked the read, Congrats on the Win!

  • 3 years ago

    by Lost star

    Beautifully written :)

  • 3 years ago

    by Ziad Dib Jreige

    this is really beautiful Andrea.

    That love you have for the raw wilderness
    Expressed in such a romantic way... love it