Last Dance

by Walter   Jul 25, 2020

I'd never thought I'd dance
To the same love song
I'd never thought that you
Would one day not belong

I have not forgotten
But I had to let you go
At first I wouldn't accept it
But now I think I know

There's no point holding on
You're not even there to hold
And no longer a hope
That together we'll grow old

It's taken so much time
Since you said goodbye
While living with regret
And tears for you I'd cry

I met somebody new
And completely unaware
That I could fall in love
Without you to compare

At first it felt so wrong
That I would let her in
But then I'd realized love
Doesn't need you to begin

I know you're with him now
And you don't even care
You're probably thinking why
I waited so long to share

I guess I'm not like you
Where someone could replace
The years of love we felt
And instantly erase

But I won't apologize
Nor do I feel it's wrong
As we now slowly dance
To what was once our song

The way which she moves me
Is nothing of the same
Once memories of you and the song
Is only now by name


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  • 3 years ago

    by cassie hughes

    A lovely write. What begins as a sad piece turns into happiness and hope. Nicely done.

    • 3 years ago

      by Walter

      Thank you Cassie. I appreciate your lovely compliment and for reading too :)

  • 4 years ago

    by Milton

    This is really well done! I like the story you told about her forgetting about you and discarding you so easily. How you held on to her for too long. But then you find somebody who saves you from that hole you've been stuck in. And you find a way out. I really enjoyed it! Great job, Walter!

    • 4 years ago

      by Walter

      Thanks so much for reading and your comment Milton! And I think it's amazing what you can find when you're not looking for it. Sometimes things happen for a reason and often we are too blind to see at first. Cheers!