BB- Beautiful Butterflies

by ddavidd   May 31, 2022

Let me land beside you
beautiful butterfly,
butterfly of beauty!

let me absorb you,
as much as you absorbed garden
in the sponge of my soul,

let me taste you in paints,
the ambrocia of these colours,
deep, in my beaks of hummingbirds,
from the deepest gorges of your blooms
in gardens and prairies,

the ambrocias of colours,
and aromas,

let me sip on the warm milk of your luster,
let me feel you, sense you,
taste your amrita of beauty,
in the hides of the honey hives,

in the mating season of taste,
in the blank canvases of
my tongue,
my ears,
my every single sense,
elongating to
your symphonious wing's veins,

let me reflect your wings,
hovering on my bloom,
mirroring my elegance,
my insatiable appetite for the savour
of a transmuting


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