
About ddavidd

I am a gadfly
a happy insect whether alive or dead

E.L. Voynich

Profile of ddavidd

  • Age : 99
  • Gender : Unspecified
  • Joined : Oct 18, 2018
  • Last Visit : 3 weeks ago
  • Poems : 672
  • Comments : 364
  • Quotes : 42
  • Posts : 201
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By ddavidd

  • I laughed at the whole world.

  • It was deep inside the wound of that tramp
    that I learned to be a gentleman...

  • _Why does the dead fish still poke on the unbitten...
    years after, where the bait and the fish himself...

  • Freedom is when we learn
    through the limbs of our lives...

  • Just in the moment you smile

Latest Quotes By ddavidd

  • Man is free only when
    he's bonded by good.

    1 year ago
    0 0
  • We never are
    as important
    as forgetting

    2 years ago
    1 0
  • If you care to know my friend ~~my friend
    it was never about the affair ~~the affair
    it was always
    the internal affair~~ the affair~~

    2 years ago
    0 0