Casting Shadows

by Jenavia L G   Nov 7, 2023

In moments of quiet reflection, my thoughts turn to you,
A dance between love and loss, words both old and new.
I find myself grappling with a revelation, unearthing truth,
That perhaps I loved the idea of you more than the person in truth.

Our friendship, a tapestry woven with care and time,
Led us down a path where boundaries became unaligned.
But beneath the layers of familiarity we shared,
Lies hidden pain, a sense of feeling impaired.

Trust, once steadfast, now lay shattered on the ground,
Your actions left my heart wounded, my soul unfound.
Alone, I navigate the wreckage in the wake of your departure,
Grateful for the lesson learned, the newfound self-empowerment that I nurture.

For in the midst of hurt and anguish, a silver lining emerged,
An unexpected gift, a realization that surged.
Your betrayal, a catalyst for my own self-discovery,
Unveiling the worth that lies within me, an unyielding journey.

No longer will I settle for less, tolerate what's unfair,
Your absence has granted me strength and a newfound flair.
The favors granted, the love unrequited,
Were always meant for my growth, to become more united.

I release you from my heart, bidding you farewell,
No longer bound by the spell in which truth fell.
You gave me no special memories to hold onto,
Only the revelation of my worth, and what I won't pursue.

So, I find solace in the distance that lies between us,
Knowing that I deserve more, my own internal compass.
This letter, this poem, serves as a testament to my growth,
A declaration of moving forward, embracing what's worth both.

Farewell to the love I once held so dear,
In its place, resilience grows, calming any fear.
I set myself free, ready for what lies ahead,
Embracing a future filled with self-love instead.

For I love me more, more than the idea of loving you.


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