The warrior is useless

by Timothy   Nov 13, 2024

Stillness, akin to time immemorial,
A character of the past, a deplorable,
Rusted gun, rusted resistance,
Not alive, just obligatory existence.

A fever-dream, mine alone,
Of honor and glory, I no longer hone;
Tempted to employ full degradation,
I'm filled with self-pity and frustration.

But I still stand ready, but not at my prime,
This soldier is venerated, this man is benign;
If this warrior is useless, this empty suit still has a stance,
If called upon by God or country, I will still advance!


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  • 3 weeks ago

    by Cantchangeme

    Your dedication to god and country is an inspiration to us all, so beautifully captured here. You’re right Lorna, this site has never been better.

    • 3 weeks ago

      by Cantchangeme

      Oh hey look you got that win, I’m proud of you Timothy, You yourself must be a proud boy!