
About Timothy

I am now the father of 5 children. My step daughter is 29, then the next daughter is 26, then a son is 15, and another daughter is 9 and the youngest is 5. My son is surrounded by girls! I am 47, and don't write as much as I used to, which I sorely miss. I am going to try to get back to it more!

Profile of Timothy

  • Age : 47
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Iowa
  • Joined : Aug 3, 2004
  • Last Visit : 4 months ago
  • Poems : 399
  • Comments : 268
  • Quotes : 4
  • Posts : 5
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Timothy

  • Hold the flag high, be ready to wave,
    Understand what the veterans gave...

  • Look 1

    Look at that baby, what a fool,
    We all have fun at free-time, it practically...

  • Wind 1

    Walking in the mortal plain, something akin to a...
    Smelling the fresh flowers, watching the fish jump...

  • Breathing in, feeling something,
    Not sure its the greatest notion...

  • Hail, Re-Animator, you are attempting to return me...
    As you have witnessed Hell-Fire and life-ending...

Latest Quotes By Timothy

  • I'm a bit more-off than a moron.

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • The Dead are still dead, and the Living are barely alive.

    19 years ago
    1 0
  • It's not wrong to talk to yourself; It's when you answer that the problems arise.

    19 years ago
    0 0

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