
by cassie hughes   Jan 14, 2025

When night is at its longest
And the air lies sharp with frost
The fields are gently sleeping
After harvesting the crops
In the depth of winter stillness
We can celebrate the earth
And give thanks at winter solstice
For the healing sun’s rebirth

At the oldest winter feast day
It reminds us of fresh starts
And that nature runs in cycles
Where we reflect on time passed
We can also plan the future
Although this can flow and change
So we should not be too rigid
And allow our dreams full range

Thus with yule log brightly burning
Mistletoe and holly hung
Banish thoughts of bygone errors
Look to future, arms outflung
For the new born sun is rising
Bringing hope and life anew
Blessed be for present bounties
And for those yet to ensue


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  • 3 weeks ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Captured "Yule" nicely. Fresh starts, the motivation of a new beginning we can all resonate with. Wonderfully penned.