
by Chelsea R.   Jul 25, 2004

I'll never find a guy to love
one that fits just like a glove
I have no trouble getting boyfriends
Its just it always ends
I get bored and we split
but maybe thats just it
I give up on him to fast
that must be why they never last
I try to give him a chance
like I'm in this trance
for just a few weeks
then my heart always speaks
telling me that he isn't the one
I wait to tell him we're done
till I find a new guy
another one to try
I know I shouldn't to that
but I got this system down pat
the truth is I hate being alone
want to always have a guy to call on the phone
I've had it with relationships being short
over with treating it like a sport
I think I've given up you see
on trying to find the one for me
so try as I may and try as I might
I guess I'll never find Mr. Right! :(


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