Help me!!!(cutting)

by ashley   Jul 31, 2004

Help me this is my cry for help
i need someone to save me from myself i need someone to take away this pain that iam inflicting upon myself and i don't know how to put down this blade because i know i will fade away from this world if someone doesn't help me soon i don't want to die i want you to help me i want you to save me from this horrible psychological damage i have kept inside for so long i know that i brought it upon myself but i need your help to find my way out to escape as fast as i can because if someone doesn't help me soon I'm sure i will be gone forever

please comment


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  • 19 years ago

    by melody eyes

    * I cut, I dont want to stop. We arnt freaks we just deal life in different ways. Trust me, when i found out i was addicted I searched the net for awnsers of why. I found a site were they explained it all. WE deal with life our own unique way. WE DO NOT WANT TO DIE. Suicide and cutting are totally different things. Cutting is to deal with it Suicide is to end it. We mat cut to deep and bleed for hours on end, but we still want to live and see another day. If not why didnt we finish it the first time? Cutting isnt good, so if you dont dont start, but i cant talk i cut when ever i feel like it carving names sayings letters and symbols into my skin watching the blood seep out onto my bare skin. *JESSY*

  • 19 years ago

    by *aLoNe In ThIs WoRlD*

    Hey i noticed u commented on my poem thanx i appreciate that! i know what ur going through and i know its really hard...ive only been struggling w/ it for a parents found out and now i go to took me a while to talk to ne one but now it seems to help a little...consider telling someone, i give u strength!

    take care,

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea~4

    wow great poem really touched me ive written somehting like this but not as good i comment u on this poem its very touching

  • 19 years ago

    by CityGirl

    I know exactly how you feel. I do that to myself too. And there's stuff that no one I've ever met understands about what happens when i cut myself. Not even other people who cut. but anyway if you ever want to talk I'll listen!
    much luv

  • 19 years ago

    by *Elizabeth*

    ** oops..i meant to put anyone one who HAS NOT been addicted to this sort of thing...hehe sorry.**