Within Creation

by Jason   Aug 2, 2004

Closing into the threshold of a new and unknown power, which helps to devour the absent-ness of love and hate, to open a field of wonders, exceptions, and explanations, of past experiences which all started the openness to which is now called, the Women’s Tomb.
Ka-boom it came, which was then and still is the greatest adventure of a new planet called Earth.
“This is our new turf,” they said. Which will start with fish, dinosaurs, and then the plan is to make animals and finally, thou men.
He will live to be imperfect, to experience love/hate, hot/cold, pain, to pass the problems and to become bold and to understand how it feels to be what people now call “all right.”
The women will lead him and make him complete, but from the beginning he will not know how to fall to her feet, it will take time and it will take understanding, but it will happen because thou women shall be like the drug (weed) which most will want and need, but she will be the true and only thing that thou men really need.
So, if you like this story, join and take heed, live life and love it, and take your experiences in and enjoy it, but before you go onto the next hill of trees, just believe in all possibilities.......


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