What will happen...?

by Sammie   Aug 13, 2004

My best friend, and soul-mate in one.
What will happen when our love takes it leave like it always does?
What will become of us?
Will we rise from the shadows?
Or fall to dust?

What will happen when our love wears away..
When the time is ripe that it can no longer bare to stay...

Will our memories fade with our love?
Will we forget what we meant to each other?
All we've become together..

I ask myself these questions each day.
It scares me to think that someday you'll be gone.
And like all other times I'll have to be strong and try to move on.

Make a life for myself without your smile guiding me.
Without love to satisfy the pain within...

No more you to hold me late into the night.
No more you and me to have those silly little fights.

No more loving embraces..
No more kisses in the dark.
No more sweet nothings whispered in my ear...

What will happen when our love takes it's leave.
Will we ever get back to what we were meant to be?

Or will we lose all we've come so far to grasp between our fingers at last...

My best friend and soul-mate in one...

When our love fades away...will we still be there for each other forever anyways?



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