I just Can't

by Sara   Sep 4, 2004

I can't sit here and look you in the eye and tell you nothings wrong.. I wish I could but I'm just not ready to tell you how much you make me cry. I've always been a person to tell it like it is, but to you I can't find the words to express my feelings to you. I wanna tell you I love you, but I just can't. I wanna cry on your shoulder, but I just can't cry anymore tears for you. I wanna run and save you from the horrid but I just can't stand on my own two feet, let alone catch you from falling down, down, down. I wanna kiss away those tears and make you smile, but my kisses aren't good enough to whip those tears away, and my smiles don't make the sunrise. My words are not good enough to make you happy, I wish dearly they could. But wishing is far less than doing. I can't sit here and tell you whats wrong because u are whats wrong. I've fallen for you, but I'm falling farther down because I can't do it. I just can't.


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