
by Xx_DisasterPiece_xX   Sep 28, 2004

Nothing left but scars,
Always here to remind me.
They'll never go away,
Staying, just to make me see.

They won't let me forget,
How much i hurt.
They won't let me forget,
How often i get treated like dirt.

They're so hard to hide,
People often stare.
Sometimes i forget,
The fact that they're there.

Things get so hard,
But i don't want to go back.
I don't want to do it again,
Now that i've got my life back on track.

All this is useless,
As it slices down my vein.
It seems to make everthing go away.
Controlling the pain.

But it only makes it worse,
It makes things harder than before.
Although it seems to help,
I don't want to do it anymore.

Somehow i cant help it,
It's always in my mind.
It brings back dark memories,
That i hold in side.

Im so lost now,
The end isn't far.
I've got nothing left,
Nothing but scars.


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