Take my Heart Away

by livefreebright   Oct 7, 2004

I don't care where you take it
Anywhere is better then here
Please take my heart away
Pull it from my chest
And lift it up to the sky
Take me where I've never dared to be
Take me to the depths of the sea
Find it in the reckage
And pull it from this madness
Piece it back together
Like the shattered glass of life
Then place my heart alongside yours
And carry it with you where ever you go
But pleae treat my heart with care
It breaks easily
And when you've finished bring it back
And place it with my empty soul
If you've taken care then free my mind
Open my eyes
I only want to be with you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    i trluy love this poem! it made my mind follow your words with no intent of coming to an end.....you have a knack for this so you better not give up on it or many people will be dissapointed. keep in touch!