Eternal Rest

by Alison   Oct 15, 2004

Death has long been pulling at my sleeve
Leading me in the right direction,
Beckoning me to leave

Death has long been knocking at my door
Reminding me of what I must do
It was my time to go, It was my queue

Death has long been tapping on my window
Desiring me to pick up the blade
To cut and cut, letting the bloody sores forever grow

Death has long been breathing down my neck
Compelling my thoughts
Remaining a constant threat

Death has long been deciding what my future holds
Enthralling every step I make
Wisely choosing my final fate

Death has long been crushing any spirit I had left
Whispering to me,
Elusively saying that I must slowly kill myself,
With cocaine, heroine and crystal myth

Death has long been shattering any dreams I ever had
Ravaging through my mind,
Leaving it scarred and mad.

Death has long been preparing my grave.
For this inevitable day
This inevitable day that’s so very blessed,
The day I lie down,
And begin my,
Eternal Rest.


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