My bestest friend...

by SplitSided   Oct 19, 2004

You were someone that i thought i could trust.
How could you leave me to bite the dust?
Well what's done is done.
I bet you thought it was fun.
You really tried to pull a fast one.
But then you left when left when it was done.
Oh well the work of a backstabber.
How could i let this happen?
I should have thought it through.
But i guess i thought i could trust you.
But now you lost that.
And you won't get it back.
I don't know you anymore.
I hate you all the way to the core.
You tried to end what i had.
Now that i lost you i'm not all that sad.
Your gone i'm here.
When you get back don't come near.
Me, cause i don't do well with strangers.
And that won't change.
I can't trust you anymore then i can trust a snake.
1 bite or stab is all it would take.
To end my life.
With your teeth or knife.
It was our friendship you had to end.
This is a letter to my bestest friend...

I hate you...:)


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  • 19 years ago

    by SplitSided

    READ IT AND know who you are...