
by jenni   Nov 16, 2004

Once there stood two towers
In the center of New York
Filled with busy people
Getting on with a hard days work.

No one could predict the disaster
What would happen that September date
Only a few people knew
A few people filled with hate.

People in the street were horrified
They couldnt believe their eyes
As they saw the plane soaring
Through the unaware skies.

Black smoke filled the air
The heat intensified
And into the other tower
A second plane flied.

If they didn't die on impact
They'd burn in a place hotter than hell
So if they couldnt stand to die like that
Out of the windows they fell.

Firefighters entered the building
Together they risked all
Fighting to save the victims
No one expected the fall.

The towers crumpled to the floor
Stooping at not a thing
The sound of the people crying
No escape... Trapped within.

~ This poem is written for everyone affected by September the 11th 2001~
~ For everyone who tragically died whilst working in the towers~
~ For all the people on the plane, With no survivers we can only guess the horror they were put through~
~ For all the firefighters who risked their lives heroically to save others~
~ For all the soldiers who are continuing our battle against terrorism in the hope that one day the world can be united in peace~


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