6 From the Poem...

by SilentAngel   Nov 17, 2004

Wrap yourself in the diffident word of literature,
By opening your psyche to the world unknown
And let the times bewilder you with such
Effluence that you have no choice but to listen.
Letting the sanctified text intertwine with much emotion
And becoming perpetually lost in your own perception.

Letting the heart wonder while chased by the mind,
Breaking outside the average
And dive into the atypical.
See what others cannot,
Enjoy something you can,
And appreciate what some won’t.

Read between the letters instead of the lines.
Look at each individual character with such aristocracy
That you experience the infatuation put into the word.
Run your eyes ecstatically across the stanza
Craving each individual expression with such emotion
That it leaves you with nothing more than raw epitome.

Envision the pure quintessence of the spoken language
And run it between your fingers so that it engulfs
Your sanity with superfluous metaphors and similes.
Grasp the outward appearance of its
Foot, meter, assonance and continence
Being brought together so flawlessly.

Perfection crafted into each line so gracefully
That your mind cannot take hold of its meaning in the entirety.
You force yourself to fracture its lines into smaller bits to find
That secretive concealed meaning while it draws you into its dark realm.
It tears at your common sense like a savage beast
While laying its meaning right in front of you to find.

Then as you just grow to be lost in its implication
You gradually begin to realize its true structure.
Look back over line by line, word by word,
You slowly become aware of what you never contemplated before
Enticing every sense with indulgences of realization
And never before knowledge that was folded away waiting to be found.


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