Her Family Doesn't Want Her

by ~DyingBlackRose~   Nov 29, 2004

One night I was talking to my best friend.
I asked her if she wanted to come out for Christmas.
Just to stay 2 weeks and go back.
I told her that she should ask her mom that night.
But when she asked.
Her mom took it a different way.
And now my friend has no where to go.
Her mom says that she has to stay with someone that doesn't even want her.
I asked my mom if she could stay with us.
She said "yes."
I think that made my friend happier than she has been in so long.
Her family always b****ed at her over things that she didn't do.
And she was always ready to say something back to them that wouldn't have made the situation any better but would have made it worse.
I think that she feels better that someone actually wants her but the bad part is that her family doesn't.
I want her to live with me.
But in return have a family that loves her.
My family loves her.
But it won't be the same.
But I'm pretty sure that she'll make us her new family.
But I want her too.
And then I don't want her too.
I want her to be with her own family.
But I don't want her to stay with a family that doesn't want her at all.
So she might be coming to live with me.
And I think that it will be the best thing for her right now.
Where she is now she doesn't have any friends except one.
And where I am she has many and we're more than friends to her.
We're her best friends.
Her family.
Her whole world.
I think that she'll be happier here.
But it's really her decision on whether she's happy or not.
Not mine.
But it would be better than being where she is now.
Where no one wants her.
Where everybody treats her like shit and where she's always b****ed at for no reason.
She doesn't deserve that.
She deserves something a lot better than that.
She deserves a new family even if it isn't mine.
She always will be a part of mine.
But in the end
Her family still doesn't want her.

* I know that it's probably really crappy right now. But it's coming off the top of my head. But please tell me what u think and please vote.*
*Oh and this is true.*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Idiosyncratic

    i definitely dont think its crappy, its very good!