Welcome to my life

by lanie luvs u x3   Dec 11, 2004

Screw everything
i just can't take it
I'm so sick and tired
of this same old shit

my parents hate me
and so do my friends
i just wish my life
would for once end

theres no one left
to care about me
but when I'm gone
i hope they see

i hope they see
how bad they made me feel
i hope they understand
they should of helped me deal

everyone says that these
poems are gay
but screw them
i don't want to freaking stay

the pains they've caused
made me cut my arm, ankle and thigh
screw life
i just want to die.

please vote/comment! thanks!


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  • 19 years ago

    by lanie luvs u x3

    thank you so much for making a comment on my poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by lanie luvs u x3

    thank you so much for my comment. it means a lot to me.

  • 19 years ago

    by kid

    that poem was really good it was funny anways even if it wasn't supposed to. id like to see more kuz your good at the screw this kind of stuff KEEP ON WRITING!!
    -christian hard rocker AKA ana