I'm to Blame

by livefreebright   Dec 14, 2004

I'm taking the blame now
Stepping up to the plate
Just sorry I'm saying this
Admitting it way too late

You didn't do a thing
I let emotions come between
We were such good friends
Wish I could have seen

Just what I was doing
I have no clue
He took away my light
I took it out on you

Left me in the darkness
To forever cry
My friend tried to help me
But I just wanted to die

Don't blame her for the anger
I should have been happy for her
Was only jealous she had him
And of what him and I were

I wished her the worst
And turned my back away
Even though I still love him
I regret it every day

Hope you can forgive me
And that I can go on
Strong and unaware
That he'll always be gone


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