Prayer #2

by *tarrann*briann*   Dec 19, 2004

Dear lord,
i know i don't do this much but I'm dieing in side if you didn't know. see my grandma n grandpa have been gone for 3to 5 years now. n i miss them so much! i look at their pictures n cry because they were like my best friends. when i lost them i lost half of my heart. and I'm about to lose the other half soon. i need them back you must help bring them back to me. i need them right now. I'm going thought a lot... and it sucks hella sucks. i cry my self to sleep at least once a week because i miss them so much. so can you help at all even a little... because i would like it if you did


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  • 19 years ago

    by goot

    You can't have them back. I know it sounds bad, but just think aboput how selfish you would be being if you brought them back, even for a moment to say goodbye. They love u and are sorry to have to leave but the thing is, they had to. They could have been hurting and if they were, you bringing them back could make them suffer. You don't want to hurt the ones you love. They are with you. You can pray to them and they will listen and look over you. Remember them and they will love you.