Silent Cry

by Jacklyn   Dec 23, 2004

Friends come in different shapes and sizes,
They come and go in time periods of your life.
Some people have a lot,
Some have a little.
But all that matters is they’ll stand by your side,
Through the rough times,
Through the bad times,
Through the fights and even more.
All the test God puts them through,
Shows who the true friends are,
Sometimes just listening is a good quality,
But sometimes you have to do what’s right,
Which may but be what they think.

I just wish that she knew,
I would have helped get her

I was by her side all the way.
But help was never called,
I watched with my two eyes,
The changes in her life,
I should have known it was a cry,
She wanted help but didn’t know where to go.

She steered away from me,
Hoping hat I would see,
Her need for me,
She went to the drugs,
Went to the Thugs,
She wasn’t like them,
So ended up lonelier and unhappier in the end,

She told me one time,
But I shouldn’t have listened,
I should have done opposite,
I remember what she said,
It still rings in my head,
“Leave me alone,
This is my life,
Just let me go,
Move on with your own.
Keep the drugs a secret,
If you are my true friend.”

She was my friend indeed,
So I did what she told me,
I never told a single soul.

She steered away from me,
Hoping I would see,
Her need for me,
She went to the drugs,
Went to the Thugs,
Got lonely,
Dropped all connections with me.

I stood aside,
Thinking I was doing what was right,
Jut to be a friend,
Just listening to what she said.
But it was all wrong,
I didn’t listen to the silent cry,
I didn’t answer the call,
I just did what was simply told.
But only if I dug down deeper,
Decoded the message,
Let the silent cry unfold,
Let the story be told.

Things could have been better,
I’ll always remember,
The silent cry that she told,
Were the actions she took,
Because she was hoping I would tell,
And not keep it a secret for help.

But the silent cry is all gone,
Because she steered away from me,
Hoping I would see,
Her need for me,
She went to the drugs,
Went to the Thugs,
But then she went with the gun.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    Another go0d poem girl. You don't know how much your comments mean. I'm glad you commented because i now have the pleasure of reading and voting on your work. I will keep checking back.
    Take care always, your friend
