
by David   Dec 26, 2004

I get bored.
I sit and wonder.
I sit and think.
I sit and dream
Of better places.
Places I would rather be.
People I would rather see.
Things I would rather do.
Sadly I sit.
So softly the thoughts flow
As I sit so somberly
Singing sweet sadnesses
To myself as the
Sickness takes me in
And leaves me to my
Empty as I cry.
Crying as I hurt.
Hurting as I think.
Thinking of my loss.
Losing what I adore.
So sad.
Sadly as I sit
And dream...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jesika

    That poem is awesome!

  • 19 years ago

    by Victoria

    Good poem never thought boredom could be so interesting I have been proved wrong!

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Kalika

    Loved the ending of the was another amazing poem of yours, you are very good and I really like your poems, I think I will add you to my favourites.....


  • 19 years ago

    by kid

    i really liked how you used the last word for the next line. it went well and worked for your poem. it amazes me how someone can write about being bored so good. keep rockin the poems cause i like this one