The race

by Stitch   Dec 31, 2004

The horn blows and everyone dashes
they're all headed in the same direction
different paths you can take
some are rocky
some are paved
some take longer
some have dead ends
just when I'm ahead of everyone
just when I'm starting to win
i fall into a trap
a hole in the ground that i didn't see
too busy trying to keep my head up
that i forgot to look down
and i fell
I'm stuck
I'm trying to climb out
but i keep slipping
frustration and anger rush over me
why didn't i see it
why can't i get out
does anyone see I'm stuck
why don't they help
someone does
i get on my feet
and look into the eyes of my rescuer
he is mine and i am his
he will go with me in this race
and we will help each other
in case i or he fall into a trap
or one of us takes a wrong path
but no matter what
he will be there
and we will finish together


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