Evil tendencies

by Sinister Soire   Jan 10, 2005

*written on kind of a request,, not true!*

Lightning cracks, thunder roars
But the night has yet to start
You think your erotic evening has come to a finial end
But little do you know the truth
Of what is yet to come

Get comfy in your bed with him
For it will be your last
First you betray my love then betray my trust
You wanted to be just friends first
But claimed that you still cared

Yes I know what you really meant
You want to get away
I gave you everything but not enough for your incessant lust
All you wanted was some more
And I never gave enough

Well now’s the chance for me to give
Everything I have
You wanted it now it is the time for you to get your just deserts
Prepare to endure the pain I held
So deeply inside of me

You’ve scarred me too long now
And I shall do the same
Mangled pieces of my skin will ever haunt your dreams
Slicing stabbing you will feel
The constant aching pain

And my reminder of the pain you caused
Will never go away
I have created my own pain then for you I will come
Laying waiting
Unaware of what’s to come

Sitting calmly outside your door
I assess the situation
So innocent you pretend to be, yet succubus you are
Slowly feel the nauseous fumes
As the gas is leaking in

Silently you never know
That I was the one there
You never know that that’s the last you’ll sleep
The last you’ll ever see
You belong now to me

With you in my arms, I walk away
It’s just too much to drink
The neighbors all understand they think
They’ve seen us together
But not forever

I can have my evil way
Your body I posses
It is a pity I killed you already, with my gas
I would have liked the screams
But now it’s over and I’m happy
Without you in my way

copyright 2005 © Logan Brown


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  • 19 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Brilliant poem hun..Glad it's not true...kind of had me worried...like just the beginning...Marvelous work...absolutely brilliant <3 xxx


  • 19 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    written on request, i dont normally write like this, or even this type of poem

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