
by katie s   Jan 22, 2005

I don't understand
Your life isn't that bad
You do it for attention,
Mope around and look sad
You always seem to leave
When things get tough
run off to daddies
cuz you've had enough
Say the pain hurts to much
So you have to cut your wrists
then act like everythings okay
while trying to hide the slits
You say it feels good and
you don't do it to die,
But one day ur gonna cut to deep
and not even get to say goodbye
You can call me what you want
but i'm just stating the facts
you're never thinking how it effects others
just as long as you can relax
So next time you go to cut
stop and think "what happens if i go to deep?"
you're going to do more than just sleep
You probably don't think
that it will ever happen to you
But eventually it will
and nobody will know what to do
So instead of hurting yourself
and everyone else too
Reach out and ask for help
And always remember i'll be here for you

© Katie Shearer


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  • 19 years ago

    by PuRpLeHaYz

    i so undastand dis poem i hav a few m8z lyk dat
    peace out
    luv hayz