Dont hesitate to tell

by Ashley   Jan 22, 2005

When you hurt yourself,
You hurt more then just you,
You hurt everyone who loves you.

When you see or know that someone hurts themselves,
Don’t hesitate to tell.

They might hate you forever,
But when they realize you saved their life,
They will love you forever.

Here is a story about why you should tell when someone hurts themselves….

I hurt myself everyday.
I’ve tried to kill myself countless times.
I’ve never asked for help before,
Because the people I want help from;
Are the people who make me want to die.
But there was one time…one only time
That someone found out…..

My best and only friend Rose saw that I was very depressed,
And saw what I had done to my arms.
“What happened to your arms?” asked Rose.
“Promise not to tell?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I cut myself.”
“I want to die.”
“People hurt me.”
“Everyone…even you.”
“Never mind.”
“No, tell me.”
“Remember you promised not to tell.”
“Yeah, ok.”

The next day I decided it had to be my last,
So I acted fast.
I killed myself with my dad’s gun.

You see,
You should tell on everyone who hurts themselves;
Because if you promise not to…
They can kill themselves because of you.

Tell on anyone you know….
And if you hurt yourself…
Before it’s too late.

So remember…
Don’t hesitate to tell…
Just go ahead and tell.

If someone hurts you…
Tell on that too!
Because ANYONE can kill you.

*my friend knew that her friend wanted to kill himself and she didnt tell because she didnt think he would actually do it...but he did...*


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