Is a laugh worth the death. . . harassment

by {Ms. Felicia}   Feb 4, 2005

All that people say
Full of lies and hurtful words
What’s the point of it all
Just to impress people, who don’t even care

The rumors they spread
Come and they go
But some are more painful
And leave a permeate burse

What people don’t realize
Is the end result
Were the bodies lay
After the death of all the assault

They don’t see the scars underneath
The blood slowly draining
Because the cuts are so deep
Or the razors laying about, around there feet

Is it all fun and games?
Do you enjoy the laughs?
Is it really worth the friends
When you find out, your killing the people, you laugh at

But its okay just wait, karma says it will come around
Your turn will be here
Someone else will get there pleasure
From your pain and dead rotting bones


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  • 19 years ago

    by Freakie_D

    Wow, that is so true, an excellent poem. I wish people would relize what they are doing, but they never will will they? 5/5