My Dearest Brother

by Emily   Feb 9, 2005

You were an Angel sent from Heaven to help protect me.
You're always there for me, I respect that, and you will always be.

You are everything I ever wanted in a brother. You are someone I can tell my secrets to, and know they will not get out.

Trust, I have in you. Confidence too. My brother, I love you, and only, only you..My brother.

I would never love another, like I love you, brother..You are one to me, whole with me..One that I will never forget.

I say mean things when we fight, and that..I regret. But it does not mean I do not love you.

I will always love you, dear brother..Only you, and we will be together.

I help you with some things, and you do it back. It's like the beads on a bracelt, they stay close together..

Like a loving pair of a sister and brother. You are the only one to me, only you..My brother..

And for that I love you, for you..
Are my only dearest brother...

*Note: This poem is dedicated to my one and only brother. I love you, Robert. Always know that I will. You will never be left from my thoughts or heart..When I am in trouble, I will always come to you. I love you.


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