by july   Jul 18, 2003

ppl always say dey could walk a thousand miles 2 c their loved ones
but 4 u my love i can walk more 4 u i can reach da end of da earth 4 u i can stop tym if i have 2, 2 capture another special moment,ppl say da sky is da limit but ill go higher 4 ure love ill pass da stars da moons juss 2 prove my love is tru ill go through hell 2 b with u


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  • 17 years ago

    by Amel

    Hi, i would lke to say that i really love is wat ppl would say but you really turn it around how much you would do for someone you really love...
    i think its insipiring..because ppl take advantage of what they would do for thier loved ones..good work. : )