The One I Love

by Heather Simmons   Jul 21, 2003

The one I love has no boundaries.
The one I love has no end.
He will love me for eternity,
Even when I turn away.

He has loved me
Since before time began.
Ever since the world was created,
He has had a plan.

He came to earth,
As the pure and spotless Lamb.
He was captured and tortured
As sorrow spread across the land.

As he hung up
On that cross
It seemed as if
All hope was lost.

Upon that cross
He was in so much pain.
When he breathed his last
It seemed like it would rain.

Then he rose
From the dead.
He's alive
Just like the angel said.

He lives in me
He can live in you.
He's calling,
He's waiting, he loves you.

He died for me,
He died for you.
He loves everyone,
I know this is true.

He didn't have to die,
He didn't have to save me and you.
But he did,
And that's why I tell him,
"Jesus Christ, I love you."

Without his love
We would all die.
We would burn in Hell
That is no lie.

But we have his love
So now we can live.
We can live for eternity
All we have to do it give.

If you give him your life
Let him take control,
He will lead you in the right direction
He won't let you go.

So do it now
Before it’s too late.
If you don't do it now
Eternal Death will be your fate.

I'll pray for you.
Will you pray for me?
We'll meet each other in Heaven
With much happiness and glee.

Heaven is more wonderful
Than we can comprehend.
Hell is just that horrible
It’s the worst way to end.

God is calling
God is waiting
He wants to hear you say
"I love you too"

The one I love gave his son so we could live.
The one I love is both life and death.
So accept him now, give him your life.
Please. Before it’s too late. Before he takes your breath.


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