
by katie!   Feb 20, 2005

I reach out for you
God dammit I need you
Every time I smile
Its a lie, a fake
When really I'm scared
lonely, sad
Why do you turn your back
ignore me make me hurt more
You never see my pain
Never see me put my head down
never see my cry every day
never see me look away
from the world, from life
to drugs and a knife
but then again
You never see
My life to simple to be bad
My pain not deep enough
Thats what you think
You don't know you see
You think you know but you don't
I am the strange one
The fat one they say
The ugly one
The one people laugh at
The one who hates mirrors
The one who would die to look
Pretty for just one day
To be popular and loved
To be thin and beautiful
But thats a dream
A dream that wont come true
So all I say is I need you
Help me please help me
Stop me taking the drugs to escape
Stop me taking the knife unnoticed
Pull me out of my pit of hate
Let me dream again
Let me smile and laugh
Let me live again
Your ignorance hurts
But I'll show you
When I'm dead
You'll finally know
That I wasn't lying
That I am a loser
a loner


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Emilia

    wow, great 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Shadows Collide

    cool poem

  • 19 years ago

    by ?

    Katie hunny? You do drugs? I promise I'll help you through anything, I'm here if you ever want to talk. I swear you're not just thought as the ugly one, your thought as the funny one, the kind one, the lovable one, I love you and I'll help you as much as I can, love ya xxx