Little Girl

by Just Sierra   Feb 21, 2005

Mommy couldn’t take it
Mommy couldn’t stand the pain
Of watching her little girl
Flourishing in the rain

She was tired of moving
From street to street
Watching on as her little child
Walked on her poor bare feet

She watched her child
Grow older without a single tear
She waited for that when
She could announce her fear

See, Mommy had a secret
She chose to never reveal
For her little girl would hate her
If only she knew she’d never heal

Mommy couldn’t put her baby
Through the treachery of life
It was too difficult
Being a lonely wife

So every night in their box
She’d tell her girl a story
A story about dieing men
And their final glory

She told her girl the sad details
That came with everyone’s death
She’d tell her that it wasn’t so bad
Holding your last breathe

So the little girl grew up
Believing what she was told
She watched her mother
Grow unhappier and old

But little did she know
That one night when she was asleep
Her mother sat down at her desk
And began to write without a peep

The night was still
But a cold wind blew
The little girl still rested
For only if she knew

Mommy was crying so very hard
Saying she’d never heal
That the only way to ease her pain
Was to make it so that she could not feel

She took a dull and rusty knife
And cut so very deep
That as she died
She watched her little girl sleep

In the morning
When the girl arose
The very smell of death
Intoxicated her nose

She opened her eyes
But did not scream
She said no word
It was painless so it would seem

But to the little girl
And through her eyes
Her mother was pure
And could never die

The little girl sat down at the desk
With the intentions to read another story
She did not touch her lifeless mother
The scene was all too gory

There was a note
That held the girls attention
That as she read
She could only feel suspension

Dear My little Angel
I never meant it to turn out this way
I developed an addiction

And lately I haven’t been okay

Every night when I put you to sleep
My guilt attacks me
I wanted to tell you
But you were to young to see

Your mother is an addict
She’s been spending your money on drugs
She’s been walking the streets
Late at night talking to thugs

Your mother couldn’t help it
She swore to stop for you
But once you start its hard to stop
Baby, its so true

I took away your life
So that I could get high
I took away your home
I never want you to cry

Mommy wasn’t happy
That’s what I need you to understand
Mommy couldn’t think clearly
Her mind was never on land

I was always trying to find
A place for you to call home
Because cardboard boxes
And houses made of foam, you can never truly call home

Mommy is so sorry
That she is leaving you alone
Just be wary of the choices you make
And be cautious of the plans you postpone

And so it is with the note you see
That I grew to what I am
I never would have hurt my mom
I wouldn’t have given a damn

I was happy with my life
With the one that I was dealt
But it is my fault that she is dead
Or so I have felt

I guess she’s gone
To a better place
But as I grow older
These pictures can’t replace her face

You know, I never understood
Why it is that photos burn
And people fall to ashes
Yet we never learn

There is a better side
To everything we see
That little girl was strong and bold
That little girl was me


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Kalika

    Absolutely amazing poem...I read it because someone said it was the best poem on this site, and I must agree.....excellent job....


  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Thanks Melanie!!!! I thought this poem was history, nice to know someone reads the old ones. Thanks!!! =-)!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    In all honesty this is the best poem I have read on this site so far.


  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Thank you all! I like this poem more than ne 1 of mine so far, so I'm really proud of it. Thanks for your comments!! They mean a LOT to me!!!! Xiaoyu, you don't want to know where I get my inspirations lol, they're not from the best places lets just say. Toni, do you cry easily? lol! Well, when u're as sweet as you are, I suppose sad things make you cry easily. Same here. Thanks everyone!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    That brought tears to my eyes, brilliant poem but so sad. Keep up the good work hun!! xxxx