Draining blood

by {Ms. Felicia}   Feb 27, 2005

Knives going into me
Deeper and deeper
Slowly feeling pain
Blood starts dripping
Then it starts running
Rushing out of my veins
Throbbing pain im used to
For it was my life i lived
This compares not to
The past that I hold within
My heart only beats for one thing
To pump the blood out
It holds no other meaning
But a reason to let it drain out
The scars are not deep enough
And there are not that many
More and more I need
More stitches they put in me
Holding back not saying a word
Or why I do this to my self
People around me try to help
But sympathy is not what I need
I simply want to find a way out
Take me out of pain and misery
Show me what a life is like
Teach me how to become
What I once was not
If you want the blood to stay within
Then take away my knives
You know what to do
If you really want to save my life


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  • 19 years ago

    by Alexis

    this poem is so sad. i no exactly how u feel if u ever need to talk. can u commnet on sum of my poems? keep writing