When times get tough

by Jimmy   Apr 2, 2005

When times get tough
And you don't know what to do
Giving up is not an option
There is one option you will always have
An option that you will have for all eternity
That one option is a friend

You have friends for a reason
Friends are their to help
They are not their to hurt you
Or to make things worse
Friends don’t talk about you behind your back
They are their to talk to you about anything and everything
Even if it’s the stuff you don’t want to think about
Even if it’s the stuff that hurts you when thinking and talking about it
You tell them the stuff that’s buried deep down inside
The stuff you never want to talk about
The stuff you hide inside far away from people

True friends stick with you until the end
No matter how hard of a time you are having
They will always be their
You can try to run from them so you don’t have to face the pain
But they are their to help
To try and make things better
They are their for you when things get tough
They stick with you when things get rough
They make you smile when times are bad
They lift you up when you are sad
They are their to have some laughs
They will make memories that you should never let fade

Theirs one friend that’s always there
That one friend that cares so much
The one that will listen to you on the phone
When all you want to do is cry and moan
You had fights like friendships do
But that friend thinks, “I could never fight with you”
But in that friends mind there never was a doubt
That you would always work things out.
That friend takes your hand and shows you that way
That friend helps you get through each single day
In that friends eyes you should see
How much you mean to them

It's those times when life seems to go so fast,
And in an instant everything you know is in the past,
And those times when you don't know what to do except to cry,
The times when you want nothing else except to die,
It's those times when that friend will be there at your side,
That friend will be the one still standing when everyone else will run and hide,
That friend will be the one there to pick you off the floor,
Wipe your tears away, brush off your shoulder and let your feelings soar,
That friend will always be there for you and be the best friend they can be,
All that friend asks is that you put your trust in them.


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