Not going To Drown

by RapMastaT   Apr 11, 2005

My bones breaking,
My mouth smiling,
My limbs shaking,
My eyes beaming,
Today was a day of opposites,
I know I was meant to lay down,
You were meant to watch me drown,
But you saw me,
I was happy,
I was free,
I hope you know,
I wish you could see,
What you did to me,
But you'll never,
As long as I hold,
On to something reliable,
Now you'll see,
What you will miss,
Who I could be,
Out from the cold,
I don't hate you,
I just want a proper apology,
That's the least you can do,
I'm not hard,
I don't hold grudges,
But this time,
I'm going to find it hard,
To forgive,
But give it time,
And maybe,
After falling to this rhyme,
You'll be handing me a card,
Come May,
I don't want to fight for every yard,
But I'll fight today,
Knowing I'm not going to fall,
I was right,
You hurt me,
That night,
Now you trying to be friendly to him?,
He's my mate,
Do I really need to say,
What he thinks,
After he saw me that night?,
I went dim,
A shocked state,
Who gave you the right?,
To ruin my good time,
Give me space,
And maybe,
I'll be able to let go,
Of the pain,
Sometimes sorry just doesn't work,
When your in disdain,
But look at me,
I've got to be,
Not going to drown,
Not for that,
As to "What happens next?",
We'll wait and see.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Carrie

    im sorry and yea i no what he thinks an i wish i could disappear off the face of the earth so i couldnt hurt any one ever again