A bit about me and a bit about people of this site...

by kim   Apr 12, 2005

X~^*^~x~^*^~X I know it's long but can you please read and comment. Thanks, take care all X~^*^~x~^*^~X

Here we go,
This is my story,
I'm going to let it all out,
Show you all my glory.

But within my glory,
Comes a different state,
I shall also tell u
Of all my hate.

It starts as always,
With sunshine and no rain,
But ends of course
With so much pain.

Like many before me,
I slipped and fell,
I couldn't get up,
Out of this hell.

I turned from angel to devil,
Good to bad,
Started of course,
With losing my dad.

Life weren't great with him,
In fact it wern't good at all,
My mom was the rock,
Stayed strong through out it all.

She found someone else,
Someone young and new,
Someone she loves,
And he loves her too.

But he's not my dad,
And that thought is always in my mind,
Yet Adam is great,
So sweet and so kind.

So theres the first big step,
That took place in my life,
But its not bad enough
To turn to the knife.

Next came boyfriend's,
And how they broke my heart,
I gave it away to easy,
And it just got ripped apart.

I fell to the floor,
All confidence gone,
Thats probably when i first,
Thought of self harm.

I tried it and it worked,
Yet i was too blind to see,
That the problem weren't through fault of others,
The problem was me.

So i started again,
I put down the knife,
And i promised myself,
A brand new life.

Then there were small things,
That stressed me out,
But i have my friends,
Who are always willing to help.

I met a new guy,
So charming and sweet,
He came so suddenly
And swept me off my feet.

I'm still with him now,
And how much i love him so,
I don't ever want to,
Let him go.

So this is for everyone,
Who's had a tough life,
Tougher than mine,
And can't put down that knife.

I want to tell you that i care,
And let you all know,
That life may not be great,
But someone loves you so.

Don't take it too far,
Don't give up what is yours,
You only live once,
Make it worth something more.

Enjoy what you have,
And let everyone know,
All of your troubles,
So they can help you let go.

Help you let go of your fears,
And help stop you from that fall,
Dry all your tears,
And stand by you through it all.

There's too much pain,
Self harm and suicide,
Please just lets,
Push it aside.

Try and live out your life,
The best you can,
And remember I'm here,
If you need a helping hand.

I know it sounds corny,
But it really is true,
Remember people on this site,
Are here to help you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by JL

    I can totally relate to this poem with some help i havent cut in almost a month its just so hard