Positively Negative

by RapMastaT   Apr 14, 2005

I'm losing it,
I swear it's multiplying,
The thoughts in my head,
They pit,
And pick a fight with myself,
Some say I would,
Be better off dead,
The others tell me,
I'm confused,
In the mud,
Keep out of it,
No blood,
This time,
I need you,
You'll never be,
The other half,
Telling me I should break,
From me,
I'm on a ride,
That's not right,
Watching myself decay,
Losing everything,
I was going to be,
At least I tried,
No I didn't,
I failed,
Pass away the night,
Thinking positively negative,
Would anyone care if,
I was to breakdown,
And cry,
Just to stop the blood,
Fall to pieces,
I am the ghost,
That wonders through people's lives,
The one that strives,
To be wanted,
Avoiding the conflict,
Needing sanctuary,
But the further I drift,
Throughout the hours,
Each day,
Time passes me by,
I'm tortured by the faces,
Here I lie,
To avoid each painful thought,
Reaching into my skull,
I die slowly,
As they pull each memory,
Scorched on my retina,
You've got your wish,
To get me to drown,
Out the way,
For a clear path,
I realise my strength waning,
Turning that frown,
To a smile,
Your happy,
For what you got,
How come I pick up the scraps?,
Covering every mile,
Dot to dot,
Place to place,
People to people,
I've become cursed,
Watch me rot,
After losing the best of me,
Losing the plot,
And what it means to be,
A normal person,
It'll never be,
I'm too weak,
But I can dream,
My mind,
The stream,
Drying up,
I've reached my peak,
Split at the seam,
Now watch me go down,
In flames,
Positively negative,
Nobody sees I need a hand,
My pride is broken,
I've lost the crown,
Quickly falling,
Into the sand,
Not yet ready,
To drown.


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