The Day

by Emma Carnage   Apr 14, 2005

I'm waiting for the day
When hope will become reality
And I'll be done with this pain
No longer will I wish
And no longer will I wait
For that one amazing day
When I know that it's really done
It's really over
And the sun will begin to shine

I've been keeping so much inside
These days
The one person I've opened up to
Has been going through the same
But even what I've said to him
Is only partial truth
And I'm beginning to feel weak
From keeping it all inside

I've been so close
To breaking down lately
I've felt tears in my eyes
In the middle of class
Or walking down the hall
And it's been taking all my strength
To put on a smile everyday
And act like everything is still okay
In this life of mine

I want to open up
And tell everybody what's been going on
What I have done
But I can't set my problems
On someone else's shoulders
I need to deal with this
All on my own
So no one else will get dragged down
Along with me

I just can't wait for the day
When this will finally be done
And I can drop the word "trying"
And just say "quit"
It will all be true bliss
That one day
That may never come

It will be the first day
Of my true life
My life of happiness
I can't wait much longer
But the day is still so far
I can't even see it
I can't see my life
Not being like this
But maybe some day
It will finally be done


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  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    thanx a lot! it means a lot to me to hear i'm a good writer! thanx again!