School Shooting

by Matti   Apr 16, 2005

Ripped Journal Pages on the floor,
You have hurt me,
But not no more,
I'll show you who is tough,
And I'll show you who rules,
I'll show you why you don't make fun of me,
I am breaking the rules,

Not with my fist,
No even with my hand,
I'm taking out a gun,
I'll show you whose the man,

I've had so many students,
Pushing me around,
Well my turn is up,
Its your turn to hit the ground,

Not a push,
Not a shove,
One little pull,
And you'll be up above,

To rephrase that,
Go to hell,
You'll be gone ,
In nearly a spell,

One thing to another,
I'll line you all up,
One shot to the other,
You'll all be screaming about,

the gun is hidden in my room,
The plan is simple,
The plan is easy,

I'll shoot you in school,
And it will be so easy,

The gun is in the bag,
Now its in my locker,
Now its in my hand,
And now its in my pocket,

Here is a bullet,
I'll show you where it goes,
Straight into your heart,

The pain will make you scream,
The Agony Will make you yell,
The Shot of this gun,
Will make you go to hell,

So think next time,
In your next life,
Don't make fun of people,
Or you will loose your life.

[ I'm not crazy i took the story from a point of view, for another view of the same story look @ school Shooting 2]


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  • 19 years ago

    by lover girl

    creepy but really good so i guess i loved it