Not Your Shoes

by Emma Carnage   Apr 21, 2005

Whatever I say
You shout
Is the wrong thing
Not with your mouth
And your voice
But your eyes tell me
Your writings reveal it

I'm trying to help
Please believe that
At least
If you don't believe
Everything else I say
Believe I want to help
And nothing more

I understand why
You don't want to hear
That we would switch
Trade places with you
Because when you
Said it to me
I felt the same way
And wished you wouldn't want
To take my pain away

So now I take it back
I don't want to be
Standing in your shoes
Because I don't know
What it's like
But I still want to help
I want to take away
At least a little pain

I've tried before
To take away
A friend's pain
I don't know if it worked
I never did ask
If they were happy that day
But I know I can't do the same
When it comes to you
Because the way I do it
Take away your pain
Would only end up
Hurting you more

So now I'm looking
For a new way
To try to take your pain
Without me cutting
Or saying that I wish
I was in your shoes
Because you don't want that
And it only hurts you more

My way of helping
Is me saying
Here and now
That I take back what I said
About me
Being in your shoes
And I promise
I will never cut
To take your pain
So this is it
All I can do


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    He was so young. I would have stepped in and taken his place any day. I guess we can't change the past, just improve his future. I wish he would have told someone before... well, before he started thinking so pessimistic, before he started SI. I wish we could have done something, too.

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma Carnage

    i don't know. i still wish i could've done something. been in his place. been there at all. known what had happened earlier. known him when it had happened. i just wish i coulda done anything.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Sigh. I know what this is about. Is it guilty to still wish it had been me, not him?