A sad love poem

by Maryanne   Apr 21, 2005

I miss you, i miss you with all my heart,
the day you Left i fell apart,
The day i saw you walk away,
i knew i could not stay away...
But we had fight,
And after the fight you left in the night,
The day after i cried,
Because you died, from a horrible car crash,
Your body is gone,
I can not hear your voice, and i can nnot touch your face,
I miss you I miss you
come back my love...
I look above to the sky and think of you,
Gloomy sky’s fill my heart...
My world fell apart,
Now i sit all alone in the dark,
Because its all my fault we fell apart,
i despise my self for letting you go,
So now i must pay with death\'s tos
But then before my eyes. Time had pulled back...
To that horrid day that i would never get you back,
So i stopped from losing you and on that night,
And i will go with you to reach death together,
I wont fight, cause I know now it is your last.. And mine
I love you I love you
With all my heart, I will never let you.. or fall apart,


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