We All Fall Down

by Emma Carnage   Apr 24, 2005

Look at this society
Look at what we do
We're in another country
Trying to make things better
When they don't want our help
So focused over there
That we miss everything
Right under our noses
We're starting to stumble

Where I live
I'm perfectly safe
But what about the others?
The other neighborhoods
The so-called ghettos
Where you don't feel safe
Just walking down the street
In the middle of the day
They're the ones at war
In their own neighborhood
We're tripping now

People are so focused
On the gay marriage thing
That no one bothers to ask
What about the schools?
These kids today
They're going to schools
That can barely pay the teachers
And are cutting the arts
And soon enough
They'll all only remember
When they had a choice
On what classes they wanted
We're starting to fall

Our country's being run
By a man everybody says
Draws in coloring books
This really must be
The Land of Opportunities
If a man who makes up words
Can become president
For two whole terms
Look around and see
That our country is dying
It won't exist
In another fifty years
It's crumbling
We all fall down
We all fall down


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  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Finally, someone said it! Great viewpoint and concept. Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by eternal rest

    oohh... i like it. the whole 'stumbling, tripping, falling' idea is awsome. another great one, shoey!
