Mother, what happened?

by Jessica   Apr 24, 2005

She sat on the park bench,
everything reminded her on the old days,
when her mom would take her to the park,
she'd climb trees always.
She loved the forest like nature,
always clouding everything in green,
the park was so silent,
it was so serene.
She remembered hanging with her brothers,
how they'd climb with her,
they didn't look so bad back then,
they didn't make her scurried.
She thought of the picnics,
almost every week,
thought of all the laughter,
and what they always seek-ed.

But that was then,
and this was now,
she had moved away,
and just found out how.
Her mom was a bum,
and nothing more,
her brothers were losers,
just wanted a girl for score.
She didn't understand what happened,
thirteen years before,
when her mom walked out on her,
when her dad was at the store.

She wasn't even a year old,
she didn't even know,
she always hated her mom for that,
she didn't know where to go.
She stayed with some lady and her dad,
the lady meaner than anything,
her dad never married that women,
and that was a good thing.
But then again her dad was never home,
always on the road,
working all the time,
going with the flow.

Finally he got married,
and he took her with him,
they started their family with her sister,
they all were great friends.
Family is friends too,
that she found out today,
it didn't matter what happened before,
she knew her step-mom loved her ways.

She was nervous when writing these words,
because that would show a side of her,
a side no one ever saw,
a side no one knew before.
She couldn't hide the thoughts anymore,
not after todays trip to the park,
she climbed a tree like the old days,
flying went the bark.

She used to scale trees,
she used to jump out of them from high points,
she was like a monkey,
she had double joints.
But then she had an accident,
she fell over 10 feet from a tree,
hitting a branch on the way down,
no ever did see.
She laid on the ground crying,
but no one heard her screams,
she couldn't get there attention,
they were to far away it seemed.

That was with her real mom,
the one she never talked to,
the one who threatened her the a couple months before,
the one who made her feel blue.
How come no one saw her?
How come everyone was blind to see?
How come no one responded to her cries?
How come this girl is me?

~*~*~ This is a true story ~*~*~


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