I dont understand

by LonelyNightsHurt   Apr 28, 2005

See what I don’t understand
Is death
When you are dead you do not breathe
No need for another breath

But how do you continue to live?
If you are buried in the ground?
How peaceful is it with worms,
With maggots and with bugs all over you?

Is there a heaven and is there a hell?
No body will ever know
Religions preach about god, about love
But is it all put on for a show?

How can one man create someone so loving
So peaceful, so kind
And then have the audacity to kill them?
Does he not have a conscience or a mind?

When I look to the sky, I hope I see loved ones passed
But I don’t think that I actually do
I may have no faith, and religious beliefs,
But answer my questions, those that do

Why do we love?
Why do we die?
Why do we even bother
To sit alone and cry?

Why do I hurt?
Why do I lie?
There is no answer to these
The only answer being Why?

plz e or comment


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